Here, because it is rainy and I have some extra time to blog is a short list of why I feel extra old today.
1. I've given up caffeine. I don't drink coffee so I got all my caffeine from soda. Lately I've been smacked in the face with the truth of how much damage regular soda drinking can do to your body so I knew it was time to give it up (the daily consumption, not soda altogether, that would be crazy talk). But seriously, how is a mama supposed to make it through the day with no caffeine? I'm struggling. Which leads me to #...
2. Lucy STILL does not sleep through the night. 17 months and counting of the same schedule she had as a newborn.
3. Whenever I was pregnant I would get the worst heartburn. Then magically, after the baby was born it would disappear and I never had any problems with it. But ever since Lucy was born, I still get it. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with getting older and the soda drinking (another reason to cut back). It isn't so much painful as it is embarrassing. I was out to dinner with Andy Saturday and just knew that my fajitas and beer were going to end badly so I went to pop a preemptive Tums. As I walked past the bar I noticed that everyone at the bar was about a decade younger than me. They were laughing, eating mountains of nachos and chugging soda and beer like it was going out of style. It was barely 7pm so I'm sure they were at their first of many stops for the night. And there I was, clutching my little roll of Tums, planning to go home after dinner, unbutton my jeans, lay down on the couch and maybe make it through the first half of a movie with Andy before falling asleep.
See? OLD.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
School Vacation Week
I would have more pictures but it was nerve wracking trying to keep our eyes on all the kids at all times. The kids did a great job of sticking together and not wandering away but there was so much to see and do and so many kids around it got a little crazy. There was something fun for all of them, and by the time we left they were all totally wiped out. They slept a little in the car and we had a yummy Mexican dinner at a nearby restaurant when we got home.
Not much to report about the rest of our vacation week, I spent most of it at home trying to keep the peace. Andy took each of the kids out on their own special dates. Ace went to pick out his birthday present with Grandpa and Andy (a new bike), Hayley went ice skating and out for lunch, and Julia went out to breakfast. Lucy actually had her date with me because I wanted to shop for some new clothes so I took her to her first tumbling class and then we went to the mall.
I have to admit, dropping the kids of at their schools this week was a welcome relief for all of us!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
For Valentine's Day I got a new camera so stay tuned, more and better pictures are coming soon to liven this blog up a little.
I hope everyone is enjoying a day filled with love and chocolate. I let Lucy eat a big chunk of a milk chocolate bar when I finally got out of bed close to 11am this morning (Andy got up with the kids and let me sleep late because I stayed up way too late playing Rock Band and watching Couple's Retreat with him last night) so now I am her favorite Valentine EVER.
My mom made homemade Valentines for each of them with their pictures on them and last night I was putting them up on the mantle and it took my breath away, how beautiful they each are.
Speaking of beauty, here is my Valentine this year and forever. He'll be 49 next month. Okay, not really, he'll only be 38 but I like to annoy him by telling people he's at least a decade older than he really is. It's okay because he could easily pass for 5 years younger than his real age. He laughs at all my jokes, even the lame ones. He tells me I'm good at Rock Band even though he has to turn it on No Fail mode so I can make it through a song without getting booed off the stage. He is strong and smart and can do tough math problems in his head in less time than it takes me to do them on a calculator. He can fix anything. When Hayley was little I knocked a breast pump off of a really high counter and broke it and then I got mad because I was hormonal and tired and I threw it and it broke even more. And Andy fixed it. Sometimes I'm afraid that people will think he's grumpy because he is very quiet and doesn't talk much at all (see where Julia gets it?) but he is actually one of the most open hearted people I know and once he is on your side, he will stick with you through anything. I'm lucky he's stuck with me. Happy Valentine's Day, Andy, I Love You.
I hope everyone is enjoying a day filled with love and chocolate. I let Lucy eat a big chunk of a milk chocolate bar when I finally got out of bed close to 11am this morning (Andy got up with the kids and let me sleep late because I stayed up way too late playing Rock Band and watching Couple's Retreat with him last night) so now I am her favorite Valentine EVER.
My mom made homemade Valentines for each of them with their pictures on them and last night I was putting them up on the mantle and it took my breath away, how beautiful they each are.
Speaking of beauty, here is my Valentine this year and forever. He'll be 49 next month. Okay, not really, he'll only be 38 but I like to annoy him by telling people he's at least a decade older than he really is. It's okay because he could easily pass for 5 years younger than his real age. He laughs at all my jokes, even the lame ones. He tells me I'm good at Rock Band even though he has to turn it on No Fail mode so I can make it through a song without getting booed off the stage. He is strong and smart and can do tough math problems in his head in less time than it takes me to do them on a calculator. He can fix anything. When Hayley was little I knocked a breast pump off of a really high counter and broke it and then I got mad because I was hormonal and tired and I threw it and it broke even more. And Andy fixed it. Sometimes I'm afraid that people will think he's grumpy because he is very quiet and doesn't talk much at all (see where Julia gets it?) but he is actually one of the most open hearted people I know and once he is on your side, he will stick with you through anything. I'm lucky he's stuck with me. Happy Valentine's Day, Andy, I Love You.
Monday, February 1, 2010
When you were 4....
You joined a T-ball team. You tried to catch every ball, even the ones you hit with the bat. You made a good friend, Jack and your teammates called you "Mr. Incredible" because you wore an Incredibles baseball cap.
You started sleeping in your own bed, all through the night (most nights) and talked in your sleep frequently. Mommy and Daddy would be in our bed in then next room and giggle at the silly things you would say in the middle of the night.
We spent most of our summer at the beach. Grandma and Grandpa would meet us there late in the afternoon and they would take you out into the water. You loved to play in the sand too, building castles and digging holes. And Grandma would take you for walks to find shells and crabs.
In the Fall, you started going to preschool 4 days a week instead of 2. You were so popular with your friends and teachers, they called you "The Mayor". You always had a big smile and hug for your friends and they loved you right back.
Sara and Naomi came to visit and we went to see The Nutcracker. You sat through the whole performance and used excellent manners. I think your favorite dancer was the Arabian princess, you wanted the binoculars to watch that performance. Daddy thought that was really funny.
We went on a trip to North Carolina for Christmas and you met your new cousin Caroline for the first time. You loved to play with her and you sat down to teach her how to have a tea party. Your favorite Christmas presents were your firefighter toys and your helicopter. You and your Daddy spent hours putting together the helicopter and you have taken very good care of it.
I put you to bed on the last day you were four and told you I better hold you for as long as I could because tomorrow you will be Five and who knows how big you'll be. I might not be able to lift you. You told me maybe I won't even recognize you because you may have a mustache and be tall and I may think you are a firefighter.
I can't wait to see what you do when you are five. It will be the best year ever, all over again.
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