Julia's second birthday was so much fun, for all of us (including Lucy, who slept through a great portion of it). I started off the day by not starting off the day. Instead, I stayed in bed staring at Lucy and kissing her toes while the four big kids (Andy included) watched Spongebob and fell back to sleep. Then we had pancakes for lunch, since we all slept through breakfast. After the kids became one big syrupy mess, I threw them all in the tub with a half bottle of body wash/shampoo while I got dressed and dried my hair. It took us almost a full 2 hours to get everyone clean and dressed in their birthday finery (but it was worth it, look how cute they all looked), and we headed off to Grandma and Grandpa's for presents, cornish hens (how many 2 year olds do you know that get to eat a half a hen for birthday dinner? Not many I bet!), cake, and Wall-E as the featured entertainment. Julia loved every minute because she knew that all the hoopla was all about her (Ace, on the other hand, was counting down the minutes till the day was over because he had been told that he was not allowed to even think about his birthday until Julia's was over because it was HER day). It was a very special birthday, for a very special girl. We love our Jujubean, we always will.
I'm so sad we couldn't be at the party. It looks like a great time. I'm happy to see that Elmo was in attendance. I even notice him looking over Julia's shoulder from the back of her chair.
Happy Birthday and we love you Juju!!
Happy Birthday Julia!!!
Great party! Julia is so adorable. I loved the post you had from when she was born. Babies are wonderful!
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