From Feb 2, 2005...
Andrew Thomas was born at 9:42pm on Feb. 2! What a blessing my little man is, he is even more beautiful and precious than I imagined.
All Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I felt awful, I could barely sleep even with the help of extra strength tylenol. I knew that if I was not in labor, something was wrong so I made an appointment with my ob. After she determined I was indeed in labor and my BP was high, I was sent straight to the hospital. I was in triage at the hospital for a few LONG hours, not in high spirits because I thought I was going to be sent home. The only reason to keep me was the elevated blood pressure. I was not contracting much and was still only around 2 cm dilated. Around 3 the nurse examined me again and I was 3cm so I started to think MAYBE I was there to stay. At 3:30 all my questions were answered when my water broke. After that, things progressed quickly. DH dropped Hayley off with our neighbors and joined me at the hospital. I was admitted to a room and the contractions were coming hard and fast. I asked for my epi and got it around 4-5 cm. It only took on one side so they had to redo it. That was the only really unpleasant part of labor and it wasn't too bad. After that I was really numbed up and progressing fast. At around 9:30 I was fully dilated and I started to push. Since I couldn't feel a thing, pushing was a breeze and it took about 15-20 minutes. I was talking with the nurses the whole time and just incredibly excited. The doctor I had in the delivery room was awesome and kept me motivated. After maybe 15-20 pushes, I saw my baby boy! They laid him across me so DH could cut the cord and then he was right beside me getting cleaned and checked out while I was getting stitched and cleaned. Then we spent a few minutes with him before he went to the nursery and we went to the Mother/Baby room.
The first night and day in the hospital are kind of a happy blur. We just held him and watched him. I enjoyed not having to do anything and finally feeling GOOD! My recovery so far has been very easy. I am a little sore and crampy but mainly feel good, I can walk and move around easily. Last night Andy stayed at the house with Hayley so it was just Baby Ace and I, we had an all night party. He was happy to just eat and stay awake and alert so I got about an hour of sleep.
1 comment:
Oh, I remember when Ace was BABY Ace and Hayley had just become a big sister for the first time! Now he's such a big boy, and a big brother too! Happy Birthday ACE!!!! xoxoxo
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