Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ace had a playdate yesterday. This, to Ace, is a dream come true. He has watched with envy as Hayley has friends come and go and is pleased as punch when they let him join in the fun. But yesterday was his turn to have a playdate, and the cherry on the top of that sundae was the fact that it was with one of his favorite girl friends. Ace spent the whole day prepping for the big event. He changed outfits 3 times, he cleaned his room, he strategically placed the difficult puzzle that he has mastered in the middle of the carpet so it would be sure to be noticed and commented on. We also had this discussion in the car:

"Mommy, can I show Ava my underwear?
No, Ace, gentleman don't show their friends their underwear.
No, not the underwear under my pants, just the underwear in my drawer.
Still, let's just not show ANY of our underwear, okay?

Later, this happened:

Ava: "Ace, did you just go potty with the door open."
Ace: "No! Um, yes....Why? Did you see just my underwear?"

Oh Ace, you do try so hard.

I do realize that so many of my recent posts have been all about Ace, don't worry that the other kids are being ignored. It is just that Hayley is at school and I just don't get to see most of her stories every day. That makes me sad but at the same time, I'm so thankful to see how well she is doing and how much she loves school. Tomorrow is our p/t conference and this Friday she has a field trip to go to the Nutcracker. Next week is the last week of school for the year and then we'll have a break from the school routine for 2 weeks.
Julia and I have actually had a lot of one on one time this week, Andy had Monday off so he stayed home with Ace and Lucy while Julia and I went shopping. It was so fun to have her all to myself, even if she kept asking for "Ass and Boo-sies" (Ace and Lucy)
And Lucy is doing great too but there just isn't much to report yet. She sleeps, she poops, she smiles, she melts my heart every minute. I promise my next post will be pictures, and although I can't guarantee I will get to it anytime soon, I can guarentee enough cuteness to sustain you till the New Year.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

How sweet. I think I'm busy w/Brianna, and I admire so much how you're juggling it all w/3 more! I can relate about not having time to put pix on the blog. It's so slow to upload, etc. I enjoyed reading the narratives, though, and catching up on what's going on w/you guys. We're going to San Antonio for Christmas--wish you were still in Corpus! Take care. I'll call soon.